Monday, February 28, 2011

The "GOODS" on fashions at the Oscars, last night!

        Kinda safe, to be honest! In a way it sucked!  The show was too long and so BORING!
        I hate to say that because I have been watching the Oscars since I was a little girl with my mum, who loves fashion as well. We adored it! It's way too scripted for it to be interesting. Need the unexpected!
        Remember these risk takers. Most of it went very wrong style wise but what fun!!

    I say good for them. They knew they could be criticized but went for it anyway. Got us talking!
    I wish the designers would get more involved creatively with the decisions.  Sometimes, it's the stylists that are walking the red carpet. What  do you think? The designers are the creative force and working with creative people  in show business should be able to come up with extraordinary delights that pass the fashion police but are more edgy and interesting and suit the wearer's personality.
   Everyone is so worried about not offending anyone or making a misstep that it is simply dull. Most of us love to gossip a bit and trash one another(just for the FUN of it for heaven's sake) Can't anyone laugh at themselves anymore. It's kinda fun, really, and it's not bullying.  The pendulum once again has gone too far and we can't say anything in fun anymore.That's why I loved Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes and Joan Rivers any time (she is sooo funny). I figure if you can have a laugh at yourself then you can have a laugh at others once in awhile. O.K. Enough of my rant, let's get to the fashions.

Probably one of my all time favorites in recent history was that little pink number that Gwyneth Paltrow wore in 1999 when she won!!

I could go on and on with those I have loved but I digress. 

 Last night my favorite was worn by a 14 year old, Hailee Steinfeld,who helped design the dress. It was perfect!

 She did everything right. The length was perfect, unexpected but formal. The shoes were spot on, platform but feminine.The hairband was a stroke of genius. So simple but effective. Just the right touch. Loved the clutch as well. She has great style or a great stylist.
 There were some others I will post again tonight. Enjoy! Comments welcome.

Images courtesy Cher 1998
                           Bjork (2001)
                           Celine Dion (1999)
                           Kim Basinger (1990)
                           Gwyneth Paltrow  (1999)
                            "                               "
                           Hailee Steinfeld (2011)Huffington Post
                              "                         "

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oscars tonight

I will be watching the fashions and give a full report later tonight. Watch and we will exchange comments O.K.?

Images courtesy: and

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Now, ya gotta admit, this is style

Loving my new @openingceremony tote with my @lilly_lab dress and hat :D


The main page of my blog is always one of my paintings. Check them out here

Good Point!!

I have never watched Jersey Shore but I could stand to turn the tube off and read more myself. Wake up call for sure. Remember the point I made about being interested and interesting to have great style. Reading would help. Byee, and see you tonight for a footwear tip. It's gem!
Image courtesy

Friday, February 25, 2011

Staying with the tennis theme!

I am not quite sure what I think about these tennis outfits. I think I think they are amazing, hee hee!! So much for conservative Wimbledon whites, huh? I will say this. These girls are ball breakers, no doubt about that! I absolutely love most of these dresses. In some cases they may be a bit distracting to say the least but when you are as good as they are you can do anything you darn well please, I figure! I think mostly people love the excitement they bring to the game, the thrill, really! Their fashion sense is amazing and also adds to the total package. I think they are super "COOL" and are the perfect mix of classy and trashy. Remember? They both know how to walk that fine line. They have perfect fashion balance, where their tennis wardrobe is concerned.

This image coutesy

Very provocative. Walking that fine line delicately.

Image courtesy

How Cool is this! Dear God, I luv!

image coutesy


VaVaVoom courtesy

I could go on forever. There are just so many great outfits and so little time. I am pooped and have to sign off. Thanks to the Williams sisters for being there for us. Love it!! Makes life exciting


Nighty Night!

How Cute is This

Dear Lord, How cute is this guy! Love the headband and how he wore it. Cool!

Image courtesy

Bushy Eyebrows

Look at the thick eyebrows= super classy

Gosh, she was gorgeous

Another Iconic beauty and look at the eyebrows

So, if you've got them flaunt them whenever you can

Images courtesy of and

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's minus 25 outside

Yup, gotta get out there and pound the pavement each and every day if I want this weight to come off. That's what you have to do. See you tonight with more STYLE
Image chocolate and

 I'm back and it's not pretty but it's done, hee hee. That Starbucks tastes pretty good ummm! See you tonight

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Trashy or Classy? Maybe a bit of both = STYLE

Good Evening to all my millions of viewers wanting fashion and style tips from me, who knows everything there is to know about style.

  So, Trashy or Classy, this is the question. The answer may surprise you.First of all you have to be classy in order to be trashy but the reverse is not true. If you are trashy, it is more difficult to be classy. It takes a bit more practice but it is worth the time.
  To be classy you must have a great hair cut and know what a great haircut looks like and feels like. If you have bushy eyebrows then leave them alone or enhance them. They are very classy. To be classy you must have good teeth so try to keep yours white and healthy. Visit the dentist regularly. I find it much classier to have your own teeth rather than veneers, if you can. If not we can work around that one. To be classy, follow the rule, less is more. When in doubt, before you go out, take something away and you will be classier for it.  To be classy you must have some really good pieces in your wardrobe that you have spent some money on.  You always need one good thing in an outfit. It could be a great blazer as in photo above. With this blazer, she then, can wear almost anything and still be classy because the bones are right from the start. Do you get the picture? To be classy you have to be comfortable in high heels so that takes practice. Flats are super but not all the time and you can tell women who are not comfortable in heels and they are not classy. They don't have to be sky high, but heels, none the less. To be classy you have to clean up really well. You must be able to pull things together when it counts and this is a whole blog unto itself which we will deal with in upcoming posts. To be classy you must be interested and interesting  and again this is a whole other thing. Stay up to date on current events. Read some books that are on the "best" lists if nothing else(one of my weaknesses is I don't read enough, and I have to work on that) Admit your weaknesses and then you can move. It's only when you are stubborn and say these things are foolish or you don't need to change that you become boring and not stylish. A couple of other things and then this will be continued tomorrow O.K. To be classy you have to have good manners( I swear too much and have to watch that. It isn't classy) But sometimes it's COOL heehee! Cool is the perfect combination of classy and trashy. Do I have your head spinning yet? I think that's enough for tonight! Love to have your comments good or bad. If they are bad I probably won't listen  anyway but what the hey! Nighty Night!

Images and jak&jil blog

Monday, February 21, 2011

Good Lord this is great!

Just had to quickly pass on this image from (from Elle). It is just too great to not post!! Another post tonight on dos and don'ts = classy or NOT. Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

No this is not E.T.

                                NO, THIS IS NOT E.T.  THIS IS ONE OF MY POOR HANDS!
This is what happens from overuse and under care. I am an artist as you know as well as a retailer for 38 years. That means tons of lifting hangers and clothes all over God's green earth! Poor babies. Good lord, I need to do something! This will be the starting point and we will see. I warned you this was my WORST feature. Post some pictures of your beautiful hands for me O.K.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Remind me never to gain 12 lbs again!!

   O.K., O.K. I'm back. I know you all have been on pins and needles waiting for my 2nd installment of "The reinvention of Lynne Godfrey".
  Well, it's a nightmare, losing this weight that I swore I would never gain again. Once I got to 125lbs and stayed there for two years I thought I had it BUT then came the break down and the emotional eating. It is all true. I just pigged out for six weeks and thought I was having a blast but forgot what a struggle it is to be slim. OMG! I put on 12lbs in 6 weeks and it is going to take me about  three times that to get it off and that is with a concerted effort, too!
   I have stopped drinking alcohol as of Feb 1st and feel so much better. My skin looks much better as well.  I have stayed away from candy except for two small chocolate bars and one bag of sours (hard for me to lay off the candy). I have been having a cookie as a treat instead. It's still sugar, I know but  have to get off the candy first, then I will tackle cookies, in March. I have been running twice a day for 30 min each, almost every day. It was 26 below today so I took a day off. I will start again tomorrow.
   I have been really careful for about a week and sorta careful since Feb 1st and I, in 2 1/2 weeks have only lost 1lb. I am in that stage where you get fatter before you start to lose anything. I have cut out 1000 cal/day and hardly lost a lb. It  happened the last time also. You can see why people get so discouraged and give up. It literally takes about a month for your body to begin to give up the fat cells and realize it's going to survive on much less. It is a real test of will to keep it going, but I will.
I have been eating two pieces of fruit, one in the morning and a Starbucks, then a banana in the afternoon. I eat a piece of chicken for dinner and have my cookie and two 100 cal dairy treats and that's about it. Oh, and of course as much unbuttered air popped popcorn as I want. If I am diligent the weight should begin coming off soon, I hope. I figure it will be the middle to end of April before I am 125 lbs again.
   I got my Andy Warhol hair cut from Kristine Wilson at Studio 1636 in Calgary, the other day. She is so awesome and fearless. Just because the cut might be a bit unique, and sometimes difficult, no problem. She really listens and then has the skills to give you the goods, every time. Great colorist too. I LUV HA! So remember I said my hair had no style. I will show you then and now. It's subtle but my hair now has style. Before it was just a mess and now it's a pretty mess hee hee!! Big difference

Before x 2


 After x 2. Can you see the difference? In the after shots, the hair tells a story, my Andy Warhol story. Thanks Kristine. 12lbs off will make a difference.

Tomorrow I speak about my worst feature and what I can do about it.
Nighty night!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I will be back tonight with 2nd installment of "Reinvention of Lynne Godfrey". Stay tuned!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hair part 2

  Since hair is so important to overall style, I am going to devote another post to it. Last time I spoke about some of my rules; being brave, not going grey, bigger hair if you are bigger, giving thought to your hair style.
  Many of us don't make change in our lives out of fear. Fear is a powerful emotion. We may be afraid of failing, of looking stupid, of being wrong. With hair, if you fail, it grows back for heaven's sake. That alone should make you break out. Think of the movie Scent of a Woman when Al Pacino says, and I paraphrase; no mistakes in the tango, when you get tangled up, just tango on! If it looks stupid, wear a hat and then at home analyze what makes it look bad with magazines in front of you of hair you like. Try to fix it so you like it. This mistake might be the best thing as you will realize that hey, I think I might look better with this or that. BE FEARLESS when it comes to your hair.
 If my hair isn't working I can always seem to embellish with a headband of some sort and make it look O.K. I think in this profile picture the black shiny headband adds to the originality? Also I am wearing pigtails with a fancy dress just to be interesting and more provocative.I "thought" about it.
Continuing with the "fearless" thought; be fearless at the hairdressers as well. I have had more BAD hairdressers try to discourage me from getting what I want by saying that you can't do this or that with your hair. Whatever! Any hairstyle you see that you like can be adapted to your type of hair if you have a good hair stylist, who understands hair and how it works. The cut that you like may be on a model with very straight thin hair and you have thicker curly hair. It will react a bit differently to the cut and if you practice with your hair you will expect this but you can have a similar cut none the less and it will be fine, just a bit different. This is a good thing and your working towards style. I have been thrown out of hair salons twice with my hair wet on a Saturday afternoon because the stylist was terrified . You know who you are, hee hee!! Instead of being brave and working with me to get a great look, they both panicked  and threw me out. I picked up my pictures, threw back my wet, half finished mane, and left.
  To end today's post, lets have a bit of fun with the absolute NO,NOs of good hair style
1. The Comb over. Ahhhhh,Nope. It never works

2.The asymmetric cut. Think Edward Scissorhands. The cut on the left, hee!! I can't think of one I admire. What do you think?

3.The infamous mullet

Images courtesy of,,
Hair might get even one more post. See you tomorrow if there is anyone listening?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Hate my hair!

 So, how many times have we said that over the years: I hate my hair?
There are so many important elements that go into producing great style. Hair might be # 1, closely followed by shoes.
 There are some rules, in my opinion.
1. Be brave enough to try a few styles and cuts and colors or you will never figure out the best for you. Again it's the whole thing about practice. You have to practice hair styles and be willing to take a risk

 2.Don't go grey . There are a few people who, I admit, do look good(not great) with grey hair BUT NOT MANY! Some young people are going grey as a novelty and I think that is great and real fashion They won't stay grey and neither should you.


3.The bigger you are the more hair you should have. I have seen many larger very handsome women, except they have very short hair. A big no no because the proportion is all wrong
4.Thick hair is very hard to manage but it has to be. Thick hair with curl needs attention more than straight hair does. The hair must be cut really well and thinned out often.

5.Thought must be given to hair. The length, color,finishing, adornment. I see a lot of people with hair that is in control instead of them being in control of their hair. This doesn't mean you can't have a wild kind of hair like Grace Coddington from Vogue( who is so stunning). Her hair is frizzy and wild(a recipe for disaster for most of us) but so fabulous. She knows what she is doing with it. It is not just there. There is a plan. You have to have a plan and execute over and over until you get it right. Et voila, Style!!

6. Short can be very sexy and alluring if you have style and know how to execute the look as do Halle Berry and Tilda Swinton(for heaven's sake watch the movie"I Am Love")
I am pooped and am going to bed. Agree , disagree. Love to hear from you. Is there anyone out there??

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hair!  If you don't get that right you can forget the rest!

HAIR, everything you need to get it right, coming tomorrow

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The best is yet to come and won't it be fine!

  I really, in my heart of hearts, believe that of my life. I think that's why I keep going so hard.  The light is burning ever so brightly in front of me and I want to be in that light. I am 61 and feel I am nearing the top of the mountain and the view is becoming spectacular. I have faced set backs of course as we all have but just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. There is great love there and  learning and health and of course Style, baby, Style, the likes of which exist only in my imagination at the moment but wait...

  My girlfriend sent me a face book message tonight  that made me cry (a good kinda cry). We can all go to sleep with this thought O.K.

  Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who are we to be Brilliant, Gorgeous, Talented @ Fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God; your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so other people won't feel insecure around you.
We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
As we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people the inspiration to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela.

Annie Hall/Kate Moss

La dee Da, La La     I loved Annie Hall then and I love Kate Moss now

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Style a summary of sorts

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I will try to be more consistent and post daily even if it is to be continued which this all will be
So, Style101. Style and fashion are not the same, to start with. Style comes from within and is developed over time. Style is how you present to the world and is very important. It says to the world visually at least, this is who I am. Hopefully you may discover the great joy in finding a style of your own and developing it as I try to take mine to the highest level I can.
He has had some help I think but it is great. I love the look. Of course"the hair is the thing"

You have to practice and you won't do that unless you are passionate about it. I find it impossible to understand how you couldn't be passionate about something as exciting as developing a style. To paraphrase @malcolm gladwell in Outliers, you have to give a task 10,000 hrs to be superior at it. If you work at it for 2hrs a day lets say, it will take you over 10 years to be really excellent at it so there is no time to waste. I myself, who knows everything there is to know about style, has been practicing since I came out of the womb (my mother practiced for me in the beginning but that is another story) so I have my 10,000 hrs, thank you very much. By practice I mean, think about it. You need your required reading of @vogue,@bazaar and @elle every month. Pick one each month and study it. Look at the pictures and see which of them you like more than others. What is it about those that you like better. Learn to distinguish various styles ( I will discuss all the styles but a few would be preppy,glam,rap,rock,super city) and what makes them different from one another. Look at these and see if you can figure out their style.
They all tell a different story. In blogs to come we will buy the same magazine and then I will go through it with you and you can ask me any questions about anything you want. You can do this at any time and I will be glad to help.

The best canadian fashion source is @jeannebeker. She has an online show "RAW" that is excellent.

When you look at magazines you will see they are perfect but that is not the point. The point is to do your best, not to be perfect. Style is not perfect. It is interesting and quirky and fabulous! Perfect is boring. What the magazines do, is show you the best, so you can learn from them. The models have great hair, so get a great hair cut, they have great skin so soak yourself in moisturizer for awhile. They have great makeup so spend a bit of time at the cosmetic counters looking around and maybe trying some things. This is what you get from reading and looking at fashion magazines.

I could go on and on and will......... see you here tomorrow! LG

For some reason there is a big gap between my post and comment. Just scroll down and you will find it. I am working on it.