Tuesday, February 1, 2011

reinvention of Lynne Godfrey began today

I swear, I think every woman needs one good face lift in her early 60's and then you are done. I will discuss this more but you will see in the photos that I am right. Less is more of course and you have to have a good surgeon, but as Dolly Parton says "If it's saggin baggin or draggin, I get it nipped, tucked and sucked". Now I wouldn't go that far but I'm just sayin!!Reinvention of Lynne Godfrey has begun

Well, let's see what happens to me in the next year as I try to raise the bar to a new level of style after really having a bit of a break down. I have to work on myself from the inside out so first I have to lose 15 lbs in 8 weeks. No alcohol or candy or diet coke. I have my running going again daily. I am going to try to get to yoga on Thursdays and begin with some free weights at home at first each night for 10 min, 100 crunches before going to bed. Then moisturize, moisturize, moisturize and only one bath a day!I am addicted to bathes. Here are my starting photos.The first two  are in Nov'10 and I was a bit more rested. I had been away a week. The next one is in early Dec'10 and then the final two yesterday after a month long break down, I am fatter and my face looks terrible from drinking too much wine and eating too much sugar. Darn. You use it or lose it. 


  1. Lynne, I'm the bubblegum pink jacket girl:) As a mere 34 year old, I already do microdermabrasion, chemical peels and botox between my eyebrows to keep away the angry/annoyed look I unknowingly give my kids. I think if you look good, you feel good. And every person has a different idea of what that is. I was 40 pounds heavier 2 years ago, went through a divorce involving 4 sons in the middle of it all. Running and friends saved me. Good luck to you...I think you have quite the journey ahead, I'll be checking in on you now and then.

  2. Hi Lynne.....As you know, I am in my 60's and I don't need a facelift! You are what you eat and I have been eating healthy for a long time. Good genetics is a benefit as well. You can exercise all you want but that can only be 20% of weight loss. The rest is what and when you eat!! love ya, Fuzzy xoxo
