Saturday, February 19, 2011

Remind me never to gain 12 lbs again!!

   O.K., O.K. I'm back. I know you all have been on pins and needles waiting for my 2nd installment of "The reinvention of Lynne Godfrey".
  Well, it's a nightmare, losing this weight that I swore I would never gain again. Once I got to 125lbs and stayed there for two years I thought I had it BUT then came the break down and the emotional eating. It is all true. I just pigged out for six weeks and thought I was having a blast but forgot what a struggle it is to be slim. OMG! I put on 12lbs in 6 weeks and it is going to take me about  three times that to get it off and that is with a concerted effort, too!
   I have stopped drinking alcohol as of Feb 1st and feel so much better. My skin looks much better as well.  I have stayed away from candy except for two small chocolate bars and one bag of sours (hard for me to lay off the candy). I have been having a cookie as a treat instead. It's still sugar, I know but  have to get off the candy first, then I will tackle cookies, in March. I have been running twice a day for 30 min each, almost every day. It was 26 below today so I took a day off. I will start again tomorrow.
   I have been really careful for about a week and sorta careful since Feb 1st and I, in 2 1/2 weeks have only lost 1lb. I am in that stage where you get fatter before you start to lose anything. I have cut out 1000 cal/day and hardly lost a lb. It  happened the last time also. You can see why people get so discouraged and give up. It literally takes about a month for your body to begin to give up the fat cells and realize it's going to survive on much less. It is a real test of will to keep it going, but I will.
I have been eating two pieces of fruit, one in the morning and a Starbucks, then a banana in the afternoon. I eat a piece of chicken for dinner and have my cookie and two 100 cal dairy treats and that's about it. Oh, and of course as much unbuttered air popped popcorn as I want. If I am diligent the weight should begin coming off soon, I hope. I figure it will be the middle to end of April before I am 125 lbs again.
   I got my Andy Warhol hair cut from Kristine Wilson at Studio 1636 in Calgary, the other day. She is so awesome and fearless. Just because the cut might be a bit unique, and sometimes difficult, no problem. She really listens and then has the skills to give you the goods, every time. Great colorist too. I LUV HA! So remember I said my hair had no style. I will show you then and now. It's subtle but my hair now has style. Before it was just a mess and now it's a pretty mess hee hee!! Big difference

Before x 2


 After x 2. Can you see the difference? In the after shots, the hair tells a story, my Andy Warhol story. Thanks Kristine. 12lbs off will make a difference.

Tomorrow I speak about my worst feature and what I can do about it.
Nighty night!


  1. huge difference between the before and after. Look great!

  2. The guy from the UK that comes to see you at Christmas says "you look great and a fantastic hair cut," What a colour! You can tell I am English 'cos of my right/wrong spelling!

    I wish you well on your journey and keep your self esteem and motivation going! You're doing all the right stuff by the sounds of it. If you can, 45 minutes of exercise 3 times a week is where benefits truly kick in. You have your treats all lined up for your reward, which is great too. Watch out for the fruit though, it has sucrose, which ain't so good. BLACK coffee is great as it metabolises fat cells, and of course, try to drink as much water as you can.

    See you guys soon. The snow has stopped ;-) and we're set to make our return same time this year. Luvya M

  3. Love your haircut. Not as enthusiastic as Marco about your diet. You need more calories than that. Cutting out booze is a great idea. Exercise also terrific. But I vote for a well balanced, mostly plant-based, sustainable-in-the-long-term diet: whole grains, veggies, fruits, beans of all kinds, nuts, olive oil, a little fish and chicken if you choose. If you eat that way, in moderate portions, and exercise, you will nourish your self and get to the weight your body wants. BTW - Black coffee does not metabolize fat cells!!!!! Be healthy.
